



The spiritual works of the Shrine are entirely founded and dependant upon the generosity of its benefactors: you the faithful and devoted of La Madonna del Colle. It is for these reasons that necessitate your continued support of free-will donations, special endowments and remembering the Shrine of La Madonna del Colle in your Will.


Your offerings via Money Transfers may be effectuated by the following means:

Postal Current Account


Postal Current Account N. 16691008


payable to

Santuario Maria del Colle 

04025 Lenola LT



Banca Popolare di Fondi

Iban: IT13W05296 74010CC0020040487


Outside of Italy use Swift Code POFOIT3FXXX


payable to

Santuario Maria del Colle 

04025 Lenola LT


always specify the reason both in the CCP and in the CCB


Light a candle at the Madonna del Colle


The Sanctuary will light a candle for you in front of the Statue of La  Madonna del Colle and/or  that of Gabriele Mattei, the Servant of God .


You will receive an email confirmation  when your candle has actually been placed and lit.


It is possible to contribute to the Works of the Shrine by naming us in your Last Will & Testament. A testamentary legacy is a choice that not only honors the person who signs it (the testator), but also helps to keep intact over time a centuries-old history that is everyone’s heritage.


Donating one’s heritage to the Sanctuary’s fundraising projects is an act of awareness and generosity that reflects that sense of solidarity and commitment to the enhancement of cultural heritage. The Sanctuary will undertake to ensure that the will of the testator is respected so that the patrimony that is bequeathed is of help according to his personal dispositions.


Information for the testator:
Making a will does not necessarily mean donating the entire estate. In fact, anyone who intends to donate in this way can decide in full freedom to leave even only a part of his assets which can be those listed below:

  • sums of money;
  • shares and investment securities
  • movable property (works of art, jewelry, furnishings);
  • real estate;
  • the life insurance policy


Furthermore, the testator can decide to make a will at any time by choosing to write it in the way that suits him best: Holographic Testament * (in his own hand);


Public Will (have it drawn up by a notary in the presence of two witnesses);

Secret Testament (deliver a will in a sealed envelope to the notary).


It is important to know that you can change, cancel or replace your will at any time. It will take effect only when the succession is opened and the most recent draft will have value. However, what is fundamental for the legacy to be valid is the clear indication of the institutional body to which you want to allocate this patrimony: “I appoint universal heir of all my assets (or part of them -indicate which ones-) the Sanctuary of Maria del Colle in Lenola, LT, Italy ”.


* In the case of a Holographic Will, it is valid only if written by hand and bearing the date and signature of the testator.


For more information write to or contact us at 001.39. 0771.598396